API Docs for:

DataTable.Api Class

DataTables API class - used to control and interface with one or more DataTables enhanced tables.

The API class is heavily based on jQuery, presenting a chainable interface that you can use to interact with tables. Each instance of the API class has a "context" - i.e. the tables that it will operate on. This could be a single table, all tables on a page or a sub-set thereof.

Additionally the API is designed to allow you to easily work with the data in the tables, retrieving and manipulating it as required. This is done by presenting the API class as an array like interface. The contents of the array depend upon the actions requested by each method (for example rows().nodes() will return an array of nodes, while rows().data() will return an array of objects or arrays depending upon your table's configuration). The API object has a number of array like methods (push, pop, reverse etc) as well as additional helper methods (each, pluck, unique etc) to assist your working with the data held in a table.

Most methods (those which return an Api instance) are chainable, which means the return from a method call also has all of the methods available that the top level object had. For example, these two calls are equivalent:

// Not chained
api.row.add( {...} );

// Chained
api.row.add( {...} ).draw();


  • sVersion
Boolean deprecated

Defined in workspace\templates\datatables.js:844

Deprecated: Since v1.10

Provide a common method for plug-ins to check the version of DataTables being used, in order to ensure compatibility.


  • sVersion String

    Version string to check for, in the format "X.Y.Z". Note that the formats "X" and "X.Y" are also acceptable.



true if this version of DataTables is greater or equal to the required version, or false if this version of DataTales is not suitable


$(document).ready(function() { var oTable = $('#example').dataTable(); alert( oTable.fnVersionCheck( '1.9.0' ) ); } );


Version string for plug-ins to check compatibility. Allowed format is a.b.c-d where: a:int, b:int, c:int, d:string(dev|beta|alpha). d is used only for non-release builds. See http://semver.org/ for more information.

() private

Private data store, containing all of the settings objects that are created for the tables on a given page.

Note that the DataTable.settings object is aliased to jQuery.fn.dataTableExt through which it may be accessed and manipulated, or jQuery.fn.dataTable.settings.



The columns option in the initialisation parameter allows you to define details about the way individual columns behave. For a full list of column options that can be set, please see {@link DataTable.defaults.column}. Note that if you use columns to define your columns, you must have an entry in the array for every single column that you have in your table (these can be null if you don't which to specify any options).



Very similar to columns, columnDefs allows you to target a specific column, multiple columns, or all columns, using the targets property of each object in the array. This allows great flexibility when creating tables, as the columnDefs arrays can be of any length, targeting the columns you specifically want. columnDefs may use any of the column options available: {@link DataTable.defaults.column}, but it must have targets defined in each object in the array. Values in the targets array may be:

  • a string - class name will be matched on the TH for the column
  • 0 or a positive integer - column index counting from the left
  • a negative integer - column index counting from the right
  • the string "_all" - all columns (i.e. assign a default)


  • toFormat

When rendering large numbers in the information element for the table (i.e. "Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries") DataTables will render large numbers to have a comma separator for the 'thousands' units (e.g. 1 million is rendered as "1,000,000") to help readability for the end user. This function will override the default method DataTables uses.


  • toFormat Int

    number to be formatted



formatted string for DataTables to show the number


// Format a number using a single quote for the separator (note that // this can also be done with the language.thousands option) $(document).ready( function() { $('#example').dataTable( { "formatNumber": function ( toFormat ) { return toFormat.toString().replace( /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "'" ); }; } ); } );


  • source
  • data
  • callback
  • settings

Defined in workspace\templates\datatables.js:10856

Deprecated: 1.10. Please use `ajax` for this functionality now.

Deprecated The functionality provided by this parameter has now been superseded by that provided through ajax, which should be used instead.

This parameter allows you to override the default function which obtains the data from the server so something more suitable for your application. For example you could use POST data, or pull information from a Gears or AIR database.


  • source String

    HTTP source to obtain the data from (ajax)

  • data Array

    A key/value pair object containing the data to send to the server

  • callback Function

    to be called on completion of the data get process that will draw the data on the page.

  • settings Object

    DataTables settings object


  • settings
  • callback

Load the table state. With this function you can define from where, and how, the state of a table is loaded. By default DataTables will load from localStorage but you might wish to use a server-side database or cookies.


  • settings Object

    DataTables settings object

  • callback Object

    Callback that can be executed when done. It should be passed the loaded state object.



The DataTables state object to be loaded


$(document).ready( function() { $('#example').dataTable( { "stateSave": true, "stateLoadCallback": function (settings, callback) { $.ajax( { "url": "/state_load", "dataType": "json", "success": function (json) { callback( json ); } } ); } } ); } );


  • settings
  • data

Save the table state. This function allows you to define where and how the state information for the table is stored By default DataTables will use localStorage but you might wish to use a server-side database or cookies.


  • settings Object

    DataTables settings object

  • data Object

    The state object to be saved


$(document).ready( function() { $('#example').dataTable( { "stateSave": true, "stateSaveCallback": function (settings, data) { // Send an Ajax request to the server with the state object $.ajax( { "url": "/state_save", "data": data, "dataType": "json", "method": "POST" "success": function () {} } ); } } ); } );


State loaded event, fired when state has been loaded from stored data and the settings object has been modified by the loaded data.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • oSettings Object

    DataTables settings object

  • json Object

    The saved state information

Draw event, fired whenever the table is redrawn on the page, at the same point as fnDrawCallback. This may be useful for binding events or performing calculations when the table is altered at all.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

Page change event, fired when the paging of the table is altered.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

Order event, fired when the ordering applied to the table is altered.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

DataTables initialisation complete event, fired when the table is fully drawn, including Ajax data loaded, if Ajax data is required.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • oSettings Object

    DataTables settings object

  • json Object

    The JSON object request from the server - only present if client-side Ajax sourced data is used

State save event, fired when the table has changed state a new state save is required. This event allows modification of the state saving object prior to actually doing the save, including addition or other state properties (for plug-ins) or modification of a DataTables core property.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • oSettings Object

    DataTables settings object

  • json Object

    The state information to be saved

State load event, fired when the table is loading state from the stored data, but prior to the settings object being modified by the saved state

  • allowing modification of the saved state is required or loading of state for a plug-in.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • oSettings Object

    DataTables settings object

  • json Object

    The saved state information

Search event, fired when the searching applied to the table (using the built-in global search, or column filters) is altered.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

Processing event, fired when DataTables is doing some kind of processing (be it, order, searcg or anything else). It can be used to indicate to the end user that there is something happening, or that something has finished.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • oSettings Object

    DataTables settings object

  • bShow Boolean

    Flag for if DataTables is doing processing or not

Ajax (XHR) event, fired whenever an Ajax request is completed from a request to made to the server for new data. This event is called before DataTables processed the returned data, so it can also be used to pre- process the data returned from the server, if needed.

Note that this trigger is called in fnServerData, if you override fnServerData and which to use this event, you need to trigger it in you success function.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

  • json Object

    JSON returned from the server


// Use a custom property returned from the server in another DOM element
                    $('#table').dataTable().on('xhr.dt', function (e, settings, json) {
                      $('#status').html( json.status );
                    } );
// Pre-process the data returned from the server
                    $('#table').dataTable().on('xhr.dt', function (e, settings, json) {
                      for ( var i=0, ien=json.aaData.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
                        json.aaData[i].sum = json.aaData[i].one + json.aaData[i].two;
                      // Note no return - manipulate the data directly in the JSON object.
                    } );

Destroy event, fired when the DataTable is destroyed by calling fnDestroy or passing the bDestroy:true parameter in the initialisation object. This can be used to remove bound events, added DOM nodes, etc.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

Page length change event, fired when number of records to show on each page (the length) is changed.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

  • len Integer

    New length

Column sizing has changed.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

Column visibility has changed.

Event Payload:

  • e Event

    jQuery event object

  • o Object

    DataTables settings object {@link DataTable.models.oSettings}

  • column Int

    Column index

  • vis Bool

    false if column now hidden, or true if visible